Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Deadly Combination

Hammers, a man on a mission, no stud-finder, and impatience have proven to be a fatal combination for the wall next to my entry. I decided to hang a hook for my bike to make space in my apartment. After getting my bike cleaned and tuned, and having bought the necessary hardware to proceed I set out on my ill-fated errand.

Fueling the fires of my frustration I spent a frenzied half hour looking for my illusive stud-finder, mistake one. Being the stubborn and resourceful man that I am I turned to the internet for guidance, mistake two. Upon discovering that coat hangers in the wall don't find studs but instead remove insulation; no magnets are strong enough to find a nail; lines in the wall aren't studs but mirages designed to entice you into making a myriad of one inch miniature windows to your neighbor's apartment; I committed errors three, four, and five.

The final mistake, hanging a bike on a hook that isn't screwed into a stud. What have we learned? Ladies, stud-finders are more than toys. Gentlemen, consult your neighbor before you make windows to their apartment.


Jessica Anderson said...

HEY! when did you turn into a scared looking black man?!

Jeff Ward said...

When I started smoking crack, it will do it to you every time.

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