Thursday, January 31, 2008

Here I Am

For some reason my hands are typing, reluctantly I might add, my first blog post. Lexi seems to think I should start a blog which I find odd being a person of few opinions and little to say, but here we are. If you are reading this blog you should know that the views expressed by this blogger are not necessarilly the views of he and his wife's, known as Jexi or any of their affiliated companies, and therefore can't be held liable.

If you are still reading I commend you on your faith that this will get more interesting but your faith will leave you bored to death like Heaven's Gate followers and I don't even promise a space ship for you soul. There is still hope that this post will improve, Louis Farrakhan offers hope that a spaceship will bring salvation, but I offer neither.

I hoped you enjoyed my musings, Jeffer out!!

Press Play!!