Thursday, February 21, 2008

When You're a Scout You're a Scout All The Way

Utah's local NPR station had a short story about the bills being debated in our Utah legislature, one of them relating to gangs. I'm going to have to paraphrase but I heard this gem of a sound bite from a local representative, (make sure to read it with a churchy Bishop voice in your head) "The problem with this bill is the ambiguous definition of gangs. For instance in my district a boy scout pack could be labeled a gang, they hang out together in large groups, they wear the same uniform..." I busted up laughing and missed the rest of the quote but you get the idea.

I had a mental picture in my head of a half dozen 12 year olds with neckerchiefs and shorts strolling through the middle of the street in quintin-tarantino-slow-mo, knocking over garbage cans. Maybe they would tag the Webelo sign on the side of the stake center or spray the scout oath on a suburban style 3 car garage in elaborate bubble letters with Run Around Lou playing in the background.

Maybe these musings will motivate me to enlist my 13 year old brother-in-law's friend to throw together a video and play the representative's quote in the background.


aaron and meg facer said...

The mental image this created was awesome! I just imagine the Utah style boy scout with shorts, white socks halfway up his shins, and hiking boots going around town and thugging it up. Thanks for a good laugh!

Jessica Anderson said...

haha, that's funny.. I think you should definitely make a video.

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