Sunday, April 27, 2008

I love Call Girls and My Wife

what am I saying?!!

When I was studying for my final my wife came up with an awesome way to remember a boring formula. C > S - X, at first glance it looks like call girls are greater than sex. Which is to say the price of a call is greater than the stock price minus the strike price. All very boring but at least I made you look.

So, I love my wife for helping me remember this formula and apparently I love call girls.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ben's Joke

My brother-in-law is a very funny guy and here is a joke he made up, I love it. I think it would make a great comic.

A sadistic clown walks into a dark woods with a little boy. The boy says, "I'm Scared". The clown looks at him and says, "You're scared? I'm the one walking back alone!"

Morbid I know but admit it, you did laugh.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Favorite Clips From "Hot Rod"

This is the scene directly after the Kevin Karaoke one.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

For the past ten years, no exaggeration, I have been quoting a mystery movie, "tick tock tick tock tick tock" with my creepy villainous voice. I haven't been able to remember which movie it came from. Every time I would say it I would quiz whoever was around me to see where it came from.

Finally, last night I saw the movie I had only seen one time back in 1992, "Silence of The Lambs". I freaked out when Hannibal said the line. Most of you have had something on the tip of your tongue for a day but how many of you have had it on the tip of your tongue for 16 years!!! I feel like I just scratched an unscratchable itch. Hallelujah!!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

First Flashback Friday Ever!

Driving back from school I just heard 3 cool songs in a row that I had completely forgotten about. While Blind Melon, Elastica, and Bush played over the airwaves images of cruising in my Dad's Jeep, towing the boat with the windows down swept over me,I was feeling like a teenager again.

The D.J.'s voice broke in and ripped me from the carefree 90's of my teenage years, "Your listening to 'The 90's at Noon'.....", oh crap. I'm that guy! I realized that I have become that guy insists the best songs were written when he was in highschool. That guy that talks about all the music of yesteryear while the younger guy looks on in pity afraid to burst his bubble. I'm "Bubble Boy" surrounded by the safe familiar plastic protection of the decades gone by. I remember listening to the "80's Old School Lunch", but now it's my turn.

I guess it's time to buy a mini-van, move to the burbs and embrace the future. At least all the car commercial song's are the ones I like, there has to be some advantage to getting older.

In homage to all the late 90's rockers I'm posting a link to my Brother's old band "Sofa", the song is "Stealing Chicken" and still is in rotation on my ipod.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Jeff 1, Bestbuy -1

Don't ever buy the store warranties!

When Lexi and I bought our new laptop they tried to sell us the Bestbuy service plan warranty for an extra $100. The sceptical bargin hunter that I am had read in Consumer Reports how it never makes sense to buy them declined.

Fast forward a couple weeks and our computer won't charge. Acer's website kindly told us to take our computer into Bestbuy to be serviced as long as it was under the manufacturer warranty.

Jeff 1, Bestbuy o

Most stores try to sell you "store warranties" that offer little to no benefit. Like this example it just overlaps an existing warranty.

Also check out this perpetual coupon that can always be printed I found on my favorite website, I don't get any points for this but it can't be good for Bestbuy so...

Jeff 1, Bestbuy -1

Jeffer out!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I Love My Google Reader

I love the Google Reader because now I don't have to visit sites that have laid fallow for the last month, like mine.

My favorite feed on the reader is Make Magazine, who else will show you how to make a neumatic exoskeleton for under $100. I also love Lifehacker, they always have a interesting time saving tip or two. Even though technically she is my wife's friend Kate McNeil's Blog is always entertaining. She has mastered the art of succinct entries, sadly I have not.

Which Blogs or sites are your favorite.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Birthday Rules

Today is my Birthday and I feel constrained by its unspoken rules. This afternoon I was bored and wanted to call some friends and chat. I didn't dare because of the first Birthday rule:

Thou shall not call friends or family on your birthday until they have called you first.

The second rule is like unto it, thou shalt enjoy all the attention you get even if you would rather pretend it wasn't your birthday.

I can put up with those rules because if you follow those two you pretty much have free reign to do what ever you want all day.

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