Monday, September 29, 2008

I Swear I'm Not A Robot

Have you ever stared at a word verification and had no idea what letters or numbers you were looking at. Today I entered in a word verification literally 20 times until I could get it right. I swear I'm not a robot I'm a real person please let me past your word verification. In the end it turns out I was putting the verification in the password box but still half the verifications looked like a Picasso alphabet. All this said I have a word verification because you might be a robot unless you can prove otherwise.

1 comment:

Ammon said...

I hate that. Yesterday, I was trying to buy tickets from TicketMaster. They only hold the tickets for two minutes, but I spent almost that whole time trying to get past the word verification. Got 'em, though. Heading to High School Musical 2 on Ice in November. Jealous?

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